Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jack's 4 month well visit

June 6th was Jack's 4 month appt. 
Big sister had to get up there with him. 
The doctors are very impressed with his growth! 
He is overall a happy baby.  He likes to giggle when you talk to him. He is still eating every 2 to 
2-1/2 hours. He eats about 5 oz each time.  He is wearing 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers.  We are getting ready to move to size 2 diapers soon.   He likes to play on his mat and grab for toys.  He likes to chew on his hands and suck on his thumb or fingers sometimes. 
We started rice cereal and he doesn't seem to mind it! 
Big Sis gets to feed him every night, she loves it! 

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