Saturday, July 14, 2012

Week 23

Likes to find his feet, not only when laying down! 
Loves to chew on this toy just like his sister did when she was a baby!
Tummy time, love this smile!
Seriously BLESSED every day by this adorable smile!

Every morning, first thing, Brooke comes downstairs and wants to sit with Jack on this chair!

Her new nickname for him is "TINY"... it's so funny!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Daddy's Lil' Football Fan!



Our HUNGRY little caterpillar!!!

Perfect name for him!
He still eats almost every 2 hours exactly! Then, at night he goes down to sleep around 9:00 pm and wakes around 1:00 am and eats.  Then, sleeps from 1:30 - 5:00 am. 
 At 5:00 am he wakes for another feeding.  Then goes back down usually from 5:45 - 7:00 am.
Hey Jack---This eating business is supposed to help you sleep longer, mommy needs some rest. 
Lack of sleep is so worth it when I look at this SMILE!!!!!

Westview picking Strawberries again!

"Look at this one, mom!"
Brooke and Jack out in the strawberry field!
Jack wasn't real was pretty hot out there!
Feeding the animals was Brooke's favorite thing to do here!

LOVE each other so much!!!
Sweet boy taking it all in!!!
What a fun place! 

Planting flowers later than usual

Brooke had learned about plants in preschool and kept telling us the things plants need to grow:
dirt, water, sun and lots of love!
Helping Daddy lay the new dirt!
Helping me plant flowers!

Look at what 20 weeks can do!!!!

Above is 22 weeks old, below is Jack at 2 weeks!
PROUD big sister for sure!!!

Rose bush!

We have a rose bush on the side of the house and it gets neglected because we don't go over there much.  We trimmed it and watered it today. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kidney Doctor Visit

We are so happy that his blood pressure is within normal more medication!!  YAY!!!!
Brooke comes along with me to most doctor appts with Jack.  The nurses are so kind at Children's Hospital, and this last time we went they gave her a doll to decorate and keep.  She thought that was pretty cool. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fountain Fun!

At Partridge Creek with Ben!  It was fun.
Just hanging out at the Play Area while Brooke climbs!