Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can I paint Mommy?

I said she could...little did I know I would come back into the kitchen and she would be covered in yellow paint!

Look mom----Purple flowers!

These come up every Spring and Brooke gets so excited!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Playdough fun!

Mommy loves you, too!


She loves her vitamins! Every morning she asks for a vitamin. 

                                                       She loves her little brother!

Lovin' BATH time!

Play date with Addison

                            Addison came over to play and the girls had so much fun!
          Watching a movie together and then eating lunch. What a fun day together!

Big sister likes to feed Jack

So happy when mommy lets her feed Jack his bottle!

Mommy's Silly Monkey

                                                       He really is a happy little guy!

Shawnee Elementary Skating Party

 Brooke and I went to my school's skating party at The Rink!  It was fun, Brooke really did a great job. She isn't totally confident to skate by herself, but she tried to let go of my hand a few times.  She will get it eventually.  I love skating (rollerblading now), so I am hoping she enjoys it like I did as a child!
This is a former student, Mikayla!
                                                        Mommy and Brooke
                                                        Another former student, Ashley